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White paper aims to accelerate cannabis integration into UK healthcare

A new white paper has been published by leaders in the cannabis field, showcasing how to maximise clinical research and improve patient access to medical cannabis in the UK.

Following the approval of medical cannabis in the UK in November 2018, only two patients have gained access to full extract cannabis medicine through an NHS prescription.

Will Joe Biden Change His Position On Legalizing Cannabis?

As nationwide protests focus the country's attention on racial issues, marijuana legalization–and how it ties to social justice–is moving to centerstage.

Marijuana legalization is intrinsically tied to social justice.

However, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has maintained his opposition to making cannabis legal. Some hope that could change as more people become aware of the impact that the War on Drugs has had on people of color.

Are Good Times Coming for Aurora Cannabis?

After an unanticipated third quarter, this pot company is making some hard decisions. Will the efforts pay off?

Once a favorite marijuana stock, Edmonton, Alberta-based Aurora Cannabis (NYSE:ACB) saw its worst days in 2019, with declining revenues, negative profitability, and a sinking leadership team eventually pushing its stock to the verge of being delisted.

Defining Genetic Drift in Cannabis Cultivation


Growing a consistent, high-quality crop relies on understanding the science behind the plant.

Over time, the cannabis plant has revolutionized the world of medicine and the lifestyle of humankind. Its phytochemicals –Cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and the likes – have proven beneficial in improving mental health and physical well-being, promoting interest in the cannabis plant and encouraging large-scale and small-scale cultivation.

What’s the best minimum legal age for cannabis?

Minimum legal age varies for all kinds of grownup things. Alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis can be 18, 19 or 21, depending on state, province or territory.

Learning to drive is between 14 and 16, with agricultural states tending to allow driving at a younger age. The age of consent is 16 in most US states and throughout Canada. At 18, you can vote and even run for political office in both countries.

How marijuana laws complicate scientists' search for crucial answers about cannabis, hemp

In the humid rooms of industrial-sized greenhouses on the outskirts of Geneva live hundreds of hemp plants of more than 60 varieties, a large part of Cornell University’s hemp breeding and genetics program.

At Surge Laboratory, a short walk from the greenhouses, doctoral student Jacob Toth preps several test tubes for analysis. Their orange-hued broth contains genes responsible for making cannabinoids, the 100-plus chemicals found in the cannabis plant.

U.S. Hemp Acreage Declines Despite Increase In Licensing

While there are more U.S. farmers this year who are licensed to grow hemp, total hemp acreage is down 9% from 2019.

Hemp cultivation acreage in the U.S. has fallen 9 percent since 2019 but the number of entities and individuals licensed in their state to grow the crop rose 27 percent, according to a Hemp Industry Daily report. As of June 18, there were 465,787 total licensed hemp acres for the 2020 season, compared to 511,442 last year.