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What Cannabis Brands Can Do to Navigate Trump’s Social Media Executive Order

The bill could limit these companies’ ability to use social media in the same ways

At this moment, the entire country is engaged in digesting the daily chaos of multiple crises. With everything that’s going on, it’s easy to miss some impactful changes. These changes could lead to difficult outcomes for those in the cannabis industry. In order to fully understand how to adapt, it’s important to understand the backstory.

Marijuana Legalization Still Has a Chance in Idaho

Marijuana legalization in Idaho had to bear the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic. The lockdown forced the state to suspend its medical marijuana campaign. The group responsible for the campaign, the ICC (or the Idaho Cannabis Coalition), failed to collect the required signatures before the May 1 deadline. However, a recent federal court ruling for a separate initiative in the state might have sparked some hopes.

California’s Cannabis Tax Income Far Lower Than Expected

Some analysts speculate that a majority of cannabis purchases in California still occur in the illicit market.

Newly-elected California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s state budget shows that by the end of June the state expects to collect just $355 million in cannabis taxes, about half of what was previously projected, according to a MarketWatch report.

Hawai‘i House Passes Bill Legalizing Industrial Hemp

The Hawai‘i House of Representatives on Friday passed a bill legalizing the growing, processing, and sale of industrial hemp in Hawai‘i.

It passed the Senate on Wednesday unanimously, with Senators Les Ihara, Clarence K. Nishihara, and Laura H. Thielen expressing reservations. The legislation now goes to Governor David Ige to sign into law.

Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis: Which Is the Future?

Both cannabis markets are drawing attention. How are these two companies approaching these segments?

The potential of medical marijuana is widely known, not only in Canada and the U.S., but also globally. Many patients find that medical cannabis has helped them with certain health issues where conventional medicine has failed, including chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Crohn's disease, and anxiety.

After his latest firing, this cannabis entrepreneur raised $150 million for a hemp venture — during a pandemic

Bruce Linton says the global coronavirus crisis actually helped with fundraising

After being fired from his last two jobs, Canadian entrepreneur Bruce Linton is back with a new venture and a new goal: to disrupt the industrial supply chain.

As More Brands Enter Cannabis, Retailers Charge 'Pay-to-Play' Fees For Shelf Space

Known as slotting fees, the practice requires brands to pay anywhere from $500 to $15,000 a month for premium space on cannabis retailers' shelves.

As more brands enter the marijuana products marketplace, competition for retail shelf space in key adult-use markets such as Colorado and Washington state is intensifying.