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Hemp Farmers Face Tough Balancing Act

How are Pennsylvania hemp growers preparing for harvest season in 2020?

They’re keeping their fingers crossed.

Starting in 2017 — the first year industrial hemp was allowed to be grown in the state on a limited basis — Pennsylvania followed the regulations established in the 2014 Farm Bill.

Today, those regulations are history in Pennsylvania, and an interim rule issued by USDA in 2019 guides the state’s hemp industry. As a result, growers are engaged in a balancing act that they hope teeters in the right direction come harvest time.

Will A Joe Biden Presidency Be A Bullish Catalyst For The Cannabis Sector?

During the last month, we have seen a substantial increase in interest in cannabis companies that are levered to the US and stock prices have been trending to the upside.

We attribute the increase in interest as a response to a series of prominent polls showing that Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump by a wide margin. From social justice issues to the handling of the COVID outbreak, President Trump has had a challenging few weeks and voters seem to favor a Biden presidency.

9 Smaller Marijuana Stocks You Shouldn’t Ignore

These marijuana stocks may be small, but they pack quite a punch, especially in the 'new normal'

Ever since the bubble burst on marijuana stocks, the green sector has witnessed plenty of red. To add cruelty to this malaise, the novel coronavirus came along, sending the market deeper into the doldrums. Plus, with unprecedented governmental responses leading to quarantines and stay-at-home orders, cannabis retail sales took a hit — and not the good kind.

This Is Why We Need Verified Product Reviews For Cannabis

Real reviews enable new users to make informed decisions, and they provide cannabis brands with objective measures of their impact.

I was reviewing cannabis brand data recently— a chart that compares price against quantity sold. In a traditional industry, it would resemble a downward-sloping demand curve.

But cannabis is not a traditional industry.

Instead of finding a simple graph, I found a hodge-podge of plot points, almost randomized, with little rhyme or reason: young brands, old brands, successful brands, struggling brands—all thrown into the messy mix.

Hemp Plastics: A Look at the Pros and Cons


Hemp plastics will be an improvement, but are there drawbacks?

For years, the human race has followed a non-sustainable pattern of development, and now, we face the repercussions. Accumulation of greenhouse gases – one of the many effects of man’s activities – has given rise to a large number of grave events: global warming, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution, and many more.

Congress Allows Troops To Use CBD Products

As of Monday, military service members are no longer forbidden to use CBD products.

According to Marijuana Moment, the House of Representatives approved a measure that allows troops to use hemp products as well as its derivatives.

The measure passed by a vote of 336 to 71. The initiative was led by Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who is also a military veteran.

Arizona: Foes of marijuana legalization file lawsuit to stop ballot measure

Opponents of an initiative that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Arizona have filed a lawsuit to keep the issue off the ballot in November.

The lawsuit, by Arizonans for Health and Public Safety, argues that the initiative’s backers did not accurately describe the measure in a 100-word summary included on petitions that voters signed for it to qualify for the general election.

The group contends that the summary should have included or at least expanded on a range of details in the 16-page initiative.

Does Aurora Cannabis Need To Merge With Another Canadian Licensed Producer To Survive?

Last week, rumors surfaced about Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB.TO) (ACB) and its plan to merge with a leading Canadian cannabis producer. The market initially responded favorably to the rumors and we were not surprised by this. If the transaction is completed, the combined company would rival Canopy Growth Corporation (WEED.TO) (CGC) and would have a more than 30% market share in Canada.