How marijuana can help those with traumatic brain injury

There is growing public interest in marijuana as a useful medicine for a number of physiological conditions. It should be no surprise that more doctors are asking if the noble weed may hold some answer for those with traumatic brain injury that currently need better therapeutic solutions. One study shines a brighter light on this possibility.

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is just that: damage to the brain caused by an external force. Although much of the mention of this condition has been recently related to football players and veterans of war zones, it affects people of ages, from all walks of life. Although the brain is housed in our hard, protective skull, even one sudden blow can mean profound changes for an individual.

More than two million visits to the ER each year are related to TBI events like concussion, from auto accidents, falls and assaults. Falls account for 50 percent of TBI in children under 14 years old and more than 60 percent of seniors. It is the leading cause of disability and premature death in the world. The economic impact in the United States alone has been estimated at $75 billion a year. The impact on people’s lives cannot be measured in dollars.

There have been more than 30 failed clinical trials searching for better treatments for TBI, resulting in no significant effect worthy of becoming a pharmaceutical therapy. This has had a chilling effect on similar research.

These failed trials did all have one in thing in common: They didn’t involve cannabis. This is surprising considering that it has been shown that activating the innate cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) reduces brain swelling and neurological impairment.

Cannabinoid 2-AG is released in the brains of mice following brain injury, though not enough to protect the damaged brain. The fact that 2-AG is released naturally following a brain injury made the team question whether more would be better.

A single dose of plant-derived 2-AG was administered to brain damaged mice. The mice who received treatment improved in cognitive function, motor function and every parameter examined, even months later. The study was a fantastic success. Of course, in a lab setting the scientists had the advantage of being able to administer the dose of 2-AG shortly after brain injury, a key element in the success that could be harder to implement in a real life setting.

This study has serious clout. It was led by a top team from Hebrew University in Israel including the godfather of cannabis research, Raphael Mechoulam, who first identified THC.

Pharmaceutical companies may not enthused that outcomes showed that a single dose of the cannabinoid can have profound positive effects, but they cannot ignore this high profile and exceedingly successful outcome considering the years of other failed efforts.

Research like this means it is not fantastic to predict a world where paramedics and even athletic trainers on the sidelines of contact sports have access to cannabinoids. If doctors one day agree that a single dose applied right after a concussion or more serious accident can have a profound effect, it would be criminal to deny access.

Sports and pot: Exploring the role of cannabis in athletic recovery

The stigma associated with marijuana, which once cast cannabis consumers as lazy underachievers, is now a thing of the past. Cannabis has slowly gained mainstream acceptance, even in athletic arenas, and for good reason.

Athletes in all sports, at all levels, are forever looking to improve their training recovery time. This is why they are constantly experimenting with new modalities to see what can enhance this very important part of their training cycle. And for athletes looking to improve their recovery, cannabis has a lot to offer in more ways than one. As a sports nutritionist and strength coach, I have worked with over 100 world and national champions from a variety of sports including Olympic athletes and professional bodybuilders. I’ve incorporated cannabis into my athletes’ training regimens with very positive results. Let’s take a look at a few ways that cannabis can take an athlete’s performance to new heights.

Reducing Pain

Without a doubt, cannabis is one of the most beneficial medicines for managing pain. Marijuana’s medicinal benefits have been touted for decades as the herb helps reduce pain levels in those suffering from different issues, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, degenerative disk disease and much more. Those reading who are not serious athletes might not be aware of it, but competitive athletes are in pain all the time. The grueling training sessions performed multiple times a day can really take a toll on the body. When you are in the gym for three sessions per day preparing for competitions, you can bet that pain is going to follow. I am not talking about the pain that occurs during the session, like muscle burn when doing a drop set. I am talking about two specific types of pain that all athletes must deal with.

The first is delayed-onset muscle soreness. This will hit an athlete two days after a particularly strenuous training session. This is good pain, but it’s pain nonetheless. After an intense leg workout, an athlete will limp around for a few days—and that is the norm day after day, week after week. By the time they have healed up, it’s time for another leg session, which keeps them in a constant cycle of soreness.

The second is old-man wear and tear. If you have been in any sport competitively for any length of time, you know that by beating your body down decade after decade, eventually it’s not going to be so forgiving. The cartilage in a knee can wear down or an old shoulder injury will act up when it rains. Either way, the mileage you put on your body will show up in different forms, and this is why many athletes turn to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory or opiate-based pharmaceuticals to help cope with the pain. But as we have seen over and over again, cannabis is a much healthier alternative to help alleviate the pain many athletes deal with on a daily basis.

Sleep Quality and Quantity

When it comes to recovery, the two biggest factors are optimal sleep and the current nutritional regimen. Cannabis can really help improve the quality of sleep for athletes. Muscle damage from a workout gets repaired during the sleep cycle—the body’s cells are recycled and a cascade of different hormones is activated to produce muscle growth. If your sleep time or quality of sleep is negatively affected, your rate of recovery will dramatically decrease. Many athletes also deal with insomnia due to nutrient deficiencies and the intense demands they put on their central nervous system.

An athlete’s sleep can also be compromised when they’re in a caloric-restriction phase prior to competing in combat sports or a physique event like bodybuilding. During this time, athletes might find themselves having difficulty falling asleep. Then, when they finally get to bed, they wake up a few short hours later wide-awake. Cannabis has been proven to improve sleep duration and quality of sleep time and time again. When an athlete gets a good night’s rest, their performance is dramatically improved. When it comes to improving sleep, I’m a big fan of indica-dominant edibles. Nothing will help you get to sleep better than a high-THC indica in tincture form. My one issue with those cute little gummies and brownies most are familiar with is that I don’t want my athletes consuming excess sugars and fats not accounted for in their nutrition plan. This is why I prefer medicinal cannabis tinctures, which I’ve found to be accurate in dosage and very effective.

Sluggish Appetites

As I touched on above, the second factor to consider in recovery is proper nutrition. The problem some athletes face is not being able to take in enough meals per day to help them replenish what they lost through their training sessions. If you are not taking in the right amount of protein, fat and carbs to help this process, your recovery will be subpar. Cannabis can be quite helpful for those athletes that are having a hard time achieving the calorie requirements they need to reach peak performance.

Most of my athletes will consume between five to seven meals per day. When you get to meal number five and realize you still have two more to go, it can sometimes be a bit of a drag. Of course, these meals consist of the proper macronutrient layout, so it’s not like an athlete can just go out and eat a pizza and wash it back with a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Some athletes prefer a high-THC hybrid strain to help increase their appetite later in the day when they have lost the enthusiasm for another meal. Others use sativa-dominant strains earlier in the day to keep their appetite up all day long. There are other ways to simulate one’s appetite, but cannabis’s effectiveness is unparalleled (and preferred over pharmaceuticals known to increase appetite).

The difference between an athlete getting in all their prescribed meals for the day and missing out on the last two meals due to a lack of appetite is huge. It not only affects their recovery but also their performance during their next training session. This is yet another reason why cannabis is an important ergogenic aid, allowing athletes to consume optimal nutrients for peak performance.

Swelling and Inflammation

Muscle, joint and tendon inflammation is another issue that all athletes deal with regularly. If you engage in contact sports like football or mixed martial arts, you will have even more issues related to inflammation. When you train hard, you are going to get injured—it’s the name of the game. No matter how hard you try to stay safe, no matter how well your program is designed, no matter what body-therapy modalities you use regularly, injuries will find you. One example is tendonitis in different parts of the body. This is usually caused by overuse and allowing your body to stay in an inflamed state for too long due to dietary and lifestyle choices. Anyone that has suffered from tendonitis knows that not only is it painful and restricts different movements, it also lakes forever to heal. Consuming cannabis on a daily basis can help reduce this inflammation, especially when combined with a nutrition plan that restricts all foods that contribute to this process. This will include taking out all inflammatory markers from the diet like omega-6 fats, refined carbs and sugars. This will allow other rehab modalities like massage, active release techniques and chiropractic sessions to work that much better. Cannabis on its own will produce some amazing results in many aspects of an athlete’s life. But when properly combined with the right holistic approach, it can truly be life-changing.

Tendons and Bones

One of the many benefits of high-cannabidiol (CBD) strains is the positive effect they have on healing tendons and bones. Not only is this shown in medical studies, but in the real world with the athletes I consult. One study in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research demonstrated that CBD, when administered properly, helped to heal bone fractures at a faster rate. The study even showed that bones were less likely to re-fracture in that same area. This is due to the direct action CBD has on inhibiting the G protein-coupled receptor 55. When this receptor becomes overstimulated, it can increase the transfer rate of calcium from bones into the bloodstream, leading to a softening of the bones and even contributing to such conditions as osteoporosis. CBD has been shown to prevent this, encouraging better bone density.

A world-champion powerlifter I worked with tore his bicep right off the bone. He had to have surgery to reattach the tendon, and he also had to have screws put into his inner elbow to hold everything in place. During this rehab phase, he consumed high-CBD, moderate-THC strains, microdosing several times per day using a dry-herb vaporizer. When he went back to the doctor four weeks after surgery, the surgeon was completely surprised at his healing rate. In fact, he was told that the progress he made in just four weeks was what most athletes saw at eight weeks after surgery. This is just one example of how cannabis and its medicinal constituents can help athletes recover faster from injuries, even tendon ruptures and bone fractures.

Neurological Damage

One of the oldest lies we’ve been told about cannabis is that it will destroy brain cells and make you stupid. In fact, it does just the opposite. Neurogenesis refers to the growth and development of neurons in the brain. While scientists used to believe that this could not occur after the embryonic-development phase, they now understand that it still occurs even as we age. One of the most beneficial cannabinoids to help in this regard is THCA. Everyone is familiar with THC, but not so many understand the benefits of THCA. Also known as tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, this wonderful compound can have dramatic neuroprotective properties. One of the best ways to get in your dose of THCA is to juice your fresh flower instead of vaporizing it.

It is well known that cannabis has shown some real promise in treating symptoms of neurological conditions, ranging from Alzheimer’s to multiple sclerosis to epilepsy. Scientists have found that THC and CBD not only reduce inflammation in the brain but also lower excitotoxicity, which is cellular damage in the brain when its receptors become over-activated. This is why more and more NFL players are turning to cannabis to recover from brain trauma.

Recovery Time

When it comes to methods to decrease the time between training sessions, I have had my athletes use just about everything available. The faster you recover, the more training sessions you can fit into a specific cycle, only to perform that much better on competition day. This is another area in which cannabis shines. I have found that my athletes (from a wide variety of different sports) recover much faster when using some form of cannabis compared with those that do not. I believe this is due to the multiple factors outlined above.

While many supplements and even performance-enhancing drugs have their direct purpose, cannabis seems to benefit athletes in many different areas. Some athletes don’t recover from sessions as quickly as others. This can be due to factors like genetics, recovery methods, sleep quality, nutritional deficiencies and outside stressors. I have personally found that these athletes in particular gain a huge benefit from dosing with cannabis daily. In fact, many athletes that would need 72 hours between training certain movements or body parts can reduce that period to 48 hours by using cannabis. That is a massive improvement. Reducing recovery time by a third really demonstrates the power of the plant.

As you can see, cannabis offers the competitive athlete some huge advantages in the area of performance recovery. It can help target not one but several different areas an athlete may need help in to truly maximize their rate of recovery. This is why I incorporate properly guided protocols for cannabis use with my athletes looking for that competitive edge (all my athletes that consume cannabis are legal medical-marijuana patients with a doctor’s prescription and receive their medication from a licensed producer).

Not only does cannabis offer a proven, multifaceted approach to recovery, it is also completely nontoxic. If you are an athlete that has considered adding cannabis as an ergogenic aid to your recovery program, now is the time to experience it for yourself and take your performance to the next level.

Research shows cannabis users weigh less than those that do not use it

Despite cannabis increasing appetite, new research shows that cannabis users weigh less than those who do not use it.

The findings from Michigan State University and published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, suggest that new and persistent cannabis users weigh less generally, and are less likely to be overweight or obese, overall.

Omayma Alshaarawy, lead author and an assistant professor of family medicine, said: “Over a three-year period, all participants showed a weight increase, but interestingly, those who used cannabis had less of an increase compared to those that never used.

“Our study builds on mounting evidence that this opposite effect occurs.”

“We found that users, even those who just started, were more likely to be at a normal, healthier weight and stay at that weight. Only 15% of persistent users were considered obese compared to 20% of non-users.”

Why does cannabis impact appetite?

Researchers used data from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions and looked at the Body Mass Index, or BMI, of 33,000 participants, ages 18 and older, then compared the numbers.

While the actual weight difference among users and non-users was modest, around two pounds for a 5.7 inch participant weighing about 200 pounds at the start of the study, the variance was prevalent among the entire sample size.

Alshaarawy said: “An average two-pound difference doesn’t seem like much, but we found it in more than 30,000 people with all different kinds of behaviours and still got this result.

Alshaarawy indicated it’s still relatively unknown as to why cannabis has an effect on weight, but it could be several factors.

“It could be something that’s more behavioural like someone becoming more conscious of their food intake as they worry about an increase in appetite after cannabis use and gaining weight. Or it could be the cannabis use itself, which can modify how certain cells, or receptors, respond in the body and can ultimately affect weight gain. More research needs to be done.

“There’s too many health concerns around cannabis that far outweigh the potential positive, yet modest, effects it has on weight gain. People shouldn’t consider it as a way to maintain or even lose weight.”

Do you know the difference between legalization & decriminalization?

It’s been almost a year since Canada’s historical move to end its prohibition of cannabis, making it the first G7 nation to federally legalise cannabis for medicinal and adult recreational use. Now there’s a new conversation brewing, hot on the heels of cannabis legalisation, the decriminalization of psychedelic mushrooms. 

Yet, so often, I see the terms decriminalisation and legalisation incorrectly used interchangeably. It’s understandable now more than ever that people would be confused, it seems like every other day something is being legalised somewhere!

So what is the difference?


There’s a long and a short answer to this question. First, the short - here’s a quick definition of the terms we’ll use in this article:

Legalization: Lifting of all legal prohibitions against the possession and personal use of cannabis. Allowing the government to regulate the production and distribution along with collection taxes.

Decriminalized: Removal of criminal penalties imposed on personal possession and consumption of      cannabis. The production and distribution of cannabis however remains illegal.

The long answer revolves around the pro’s and cons of legalised and decriminalised systems.


In Canada, a plethora of cannabis dispensaries operated around the country prior to legalisation, when cannabis was in fact 100% illegal for recreational use. It was, however, medically legal with an occasionally lax approach to prescriptions. In some cities, the best way to describe it would be to say that cannabis consumption was tolerated.

Believe it or not, the effect federal legalisation has had on access to cannabis has been the opposite of what you might expect. There are now fewer operational dispensaries and a long list of stringent rules that producers and retailers must adhered to, all staff are prohibited from making suggestions on types of products patrons might use for their requirements. Overall cannabis is now somewhat harder to access and definitely more difficult to understand in legal dispensaries. 

Federally illegal cannabis

In the US cannabis is federally illegal, but this hasn’t stopped some states from implementing their own laws on cannabis use. In some states, such as California, cannabis has been legalized both medically and recreationally, in others only medically, and in some, New York being the most notable and recent example, it has simply been decriminalized. 

While there is a hubbub of excitement around the veil of cannabis prohibition finally being lifted, the laws can be tricky to navigate when they’re in various states of transition, both in North America and around the world. 

Currently, the federal status of cannabis in the US could still land you in jail if you were to be pursued by the feds, regardless of whether it is legal in your state or not.  


By now, most people have cottoned on that the so called ‘war on drugs’ has been a miserable failure, serving only as a demolition vehicle to the most marginalised groups in our society.

There is enough reason to celebrate any step towards the recognition of this fact, and whether it’s pursuing decriminalisation of psilocybin mushrooms in Canada, or the state wide decriminalisation of cannabis in New York, we’re on board. 

Perhaps the greatest benefit of decriminalisation is that it lifts the burden on law enforcement, allowing them to ignore petty possession crimes like your grandmas edible stash for her arthritis, and focus on more serious, violent and organised criminal syndicates.

In fact, some people actually consider decriminalisation to be a better option than full legalisation. Take cannabis for example; by way of legalisation, the government takes complete control, regulating the production and distribution of the product. It stands to reason that when implementing mass reform on a system that has to date been operating independently, you’re bound to wrinkle a few feathers, indeed has been the case in Canada. 

At the same time, decriminalization is a halfway solution that only relaxes the criminal penalties around personal consumption, while still imposing restrictions on growing and selling the product. The resulting ambiguity of the laws often make way for the criminals to run the black markets, while scaring the civilian population from operating freely. 

Legalization, with all its flaws, is arguably the safer option for the community as a whole. There are several added benefits, which include the economic returns by way of taxes, the reassessment of law enforcement priorities, and the vacating of cannabis related offences.

Regardless of which side of the fence you may find yourself on, legalization or decriminalization, people the world over are invariably opening their eyes to the healing potential of the cannabis plant.

The truth is, there may never ever be a perfect system to produce, distribute and regulate a plant so perfect as cannabis.

As we move closer to cannabis legalization, the issue of cannabis and youth is increasingly on my mind. You see, my son turned thirteen last week.

I recently had an unexpected career change after I was approached by a friend who was looking for a marketing manager for a startup, the catch was it was in the cannabis business. Coming upon Flower & Freedom in my professional life has been a surprise in more ways than one. I never imagined that I would be discussing cannabis consumption as a part of my career, but here I am. All of a sudden I find myself in the middle of a movement with huge socio-cultural implications that, whether you realize it or not, affects us all.


In the background, these changes have been brewing for many years, but with the view from my everyday vanilla life, it feels like it has happened overnight.

The Future of Cannabis Consumption

By now you may have realized that I am relatively inexperienced when it comes to cannabis. As part of my induction at Flower & Freedom, I had the opportunity to attend a cannabis education course in Vancouver. Here I learned about the basic science that underscores its medicinal uses, the chemical interactions within the body, and a very thorough botany lesson to boot. I also learned that young people have increasingly been opting out of the common method of smoking cannabis (well hallelujah! Let’s high five for this win parents), in favour of alternative methods of consumption. Yet, when I recently heard the “don’t smoke and drive” ads on the radio, it struck me just how out of touch we are on the subject.

I’m now much more aware of the reality that my son is going to grow up in a world where, instead of getting someone to ‘bootleg’ at the liquor store for beer, kids will be conspiring on how to get cannabis concentrates to ‘dab’ from the local cannabis retail store. To be perfectly honest, until very recently I didn’t even know what a cannabis dab was (it’s a method of consumption that uses concentrated forms of cannabis, which are heated to a high temperatures, and have a very strong euphoric effect) and although it’s not likely to be something I will ever consume, if it can be purchased at various retail outlets, it’s something parents should be aware of.

Cannabis Legalization Brings New Realities and Limits

Like some of the Flower and Freedom audience, this is all very new to me and so it’s important to recognize that as a society we have more experience with alcohol consumption and therefore we have a general understanding of our limits. In contrast, many adults do not have experience consuming cannabis for anything other than being ‘high’, which comes with the baggage of cultural and social stigmas alongside some wildly inaccurate ‘facts’. I believe that we should be actively engaging in conversations on platforms such as Her(B)Life, Flower & Freedom and the like so that we can discuss the benefits and the pitfalls of cannabis consumption.


I now know that there are aspects to cannabis that can have incredible health benefits - part of my role at Flower & Freedom is exploring how cannabis can be consumed as a tool for fitness - but like anything, I do think that cannabis can be over-consumed.

how can we be student and teacher at the same time?

It’s our job as parents to ensure our children are prepared for the world they live in, yet the prospect of being the first wave of parents that need to have this conversation in a legalized landscape weighs heavily on my mind. 

How do we even broach the subject of cannabis with the current perceptions of the plant being so drastically different from when we grew up? Where do we start? And how can we be student and teacher at the same time?

I started by educating myself and learning about the different products that are available on the market already. Regardless of whether they’re legal or ‘grey’, if they’re available for purchase at cannabis retail stores, I should know about it. I also visited a cannabis store for the first time, with a knowledgeable colleague who walked me through the myriad of products and their various uses.

For me, it’s less about knowing everything about cannabis and more about challenging the pitfalls of over-consumption. I am learning more and more every day about the therapeutic properties of cannabis in its many different forms, and I’m honestly amazed at what this plant has to offer, I can certainly see the benefits of legalization, but I can also see the potential for misuse among youth and I plan to be ahead of the conversation with my son.

 It’s time to get real with this plant because access to cannabis is right around the corner.