
THCP: A newly discovered, potentially more potent, cannabis compound

A recently published article in the journal Scientific Reports has described the remarkable discovery of a previously unknown cannabinoid. Dubbed THCP, the molecule has been shown to be significantly more potent that its well-known counterpart THC, however, it’s still unclear how psychoactive it is in humans or how present it is in popular cannabis varieties.

Proposed US hemp rules worry industry

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Hemp growers and entrepreneurs who were joyous a year ago after U.S. lawmakers reclassified the plant as a legal agricultural crop now are worried their businesses could be crippled if federal policymakers move ahead with draft regulations.

Licenses for hemp cultivation topped a half-million acres (200,000 hectares) last year, more than 450% above 2018 levels, so there's intense interest in the rules the U.S. government is creating. Critical comments on the draft have poured in from hemp farmers, processors, retailers and state governments.

Cannabis marketing in South Africa: An emerging industry

The laws around cannabis use have relaxed, and there’s a huge industry out there waiting to be marketed. Industry specialists talk about the way forward.

It is tough and expensive to have an ad flighted during the Super Bowl. This year, for the first time, an advertisement featuring cannabis came close, but was ultimately discarded because it was not consistent with TV network CBS’s advertising policy.

Does 2020 Look Bright for Cannabis in Florida?

Cannabis legalization sparked interest among Floridians, who took matters in their own hands last year. Voters in Florida, along with some cannabis companies, launched campaigns to gather signatures. The signatures would qualify marijuana legalization for the November 2020 ballot. Most people wonder if cannabis is legal in Florida. The support in the state looked good. As a result, there was hope that marijuana would see daylight in the state in 2020. However, Florida faces some hurdles.

Indoor hemp growers using artificial intelligence to cut expenses, improve plant quality and manage supply

Technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly evolved in traditional indoor agricultural production in recent years, as companies use the vast amounts of data produced in their operations to make better production and management decisions.

Now, indoor hemp growers are jumping on the AI bandwagon.

The technology helps companies: